CRASH! is a collection of activities that include all the materials (texts, DVD’s, police accident files, computer software) that teachers need to start using the activities immediately. The CRASH! activities are compatible with any existing lesson plan, and do not introduce new topics or trigger curriculum considerations. They are CSI-like activities that can be integrated into lesson plans to add real-world examples to topics that are already covered. The activities are not sequential, nor is there any need to do all the activities. There is a CRASH! kit for physics, math, physical science, and biology/health, and the materials can be used again and again, making the investment in CRASH! unusually cost-efficient.
CRASH! is a one-time investment in the local high school that will deliver benefits well into the future, and that can save lives while improving young drivers’ interest in science and mathematics. Funding has been provided in many cases by local service clubs such as Rotary or Kiwanis, or by a law office, bank, car dealership, insurance agency, or some other school-business partnership; CRASH! is already in more than 1000 high schools nationwide.
Each Universal CRASH! Toolbox™ contains all the materials necessary for a class in Physics, Mathematics, Biology/Health, and General Science. The teacher uses the materials appropriate to their class and can ignore the rest.
For each discipline area (Physics, Mathematics, Biology/Health, and General Science), the Toolbox contains the necessary teacher’s manual, student worksheets, take-home activities, software, police reports, case file photos, and other items necessary for teachers to supervise and students to complete all the activities. The Resources CD contains digital copies of all consumable and distributable printed items, so teachers can print out copies as necessary, subject to the terms and conditions of the Legal Sciences license agreement, located in the Universal CRASH! Toolbox™.
CRASH! The Science of Collisions™ has been tested in over 700 classrooms over a period of years, and has been revised and improved in order to maximize ease of use, enhance teaching effectiveness, and assure compatibility with national math and science standards.
For details, visit the CRASH! section of the website.
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