Anticipating Defenses in a MV Crash Case
This class, offered in either a one-day or two-day format, helps crash investigators, reconstructionists, and prosecutors develop a skill for anticipating what a defense expert might do. By reviewing real case studies the participants can get valuable experience that might otherwise be gotten through costly trial encounters with defense experts. Discussions of how defense attorneys might attack an officer in cross examination are offered, and strategies for handling these attacks are explained.
For information contact Prof. Kwasnoski at or call 413‑589‑0793.
Courtroom Success for DRE’s
“Witness Skills Training”
Many DRE officers who work on impairment cases are under-trained in the skills needed to provide powerful, persuasive testimony at trial. Without formal training focusing on the procedures of the trial, the rules of the courtroom, the expectations of the jury, etc. many officers have to rely in their instinct to be the best witness they can. COURTROOM SUCCESS for DRE’s training gives officers a foundation and structure to support their individual styles, and goes far beyond the “how to dress” and “where to look” rules they’ve already been told to observe. This training focuses on the psychology of the jury, the attorneys, and even the judge to better understand how to carft the most effective answers to questions. This training completes the very specialized training that DRE’s receive, by enabling the officer to deliver effective testimony that reflects their investigative skills. This two-day program includes a mock trial that tests the officers’ ability to withstand vigorous attacks by a defense attorney.
For information contact Prof. Kwasnoski at or call 413‑589‑0793.
“I wish I had this training before I testified for the first time. I’ve been on the stand many times since then, but I never heard about the things we talked about in this training.”
—Lt. David Boyt, Georgia State Patrol
Accident Reconstruction for Personal Injury Litigators
Two-day Seminar
This seminar is designed for the practitioner who wants to cut through the mathematics and engineering of collision reconstruction to get to the issues that impact the outcomes of these cases. Emphases include the value of early investigation, identification of assumptions made in lieu of evidence, incisive evaluation of the reconstruction expert’s report, and development of checklists for case preparation.
For information contact Prof. Kwasnoski at or call 413‑589‑0793.